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Mothering Your Daughter Through Menarche
Welcome (11:53)
Meet your guide Emily Stewart (6:03)
Course Outline
Join the Community
Your invitation to join our community on Circle
How to set up and have a Listening Partnership
Session One: How to Prepare Yourself
Begin with you (5:38)
Revisit your first bleed
Time for reflection
Changing the story
Go deeper
What is your relationship with your cycle?
What if I struggle with my periods?
Time to reflect
Session One: Live Call (51:56)
Session Two: How to Prepare your Daughter
So, when IS my daughter going to start?!
Time for reflection
How do I talk about all this stuff? When's the right time?
Start the conversations (or keep them going!)
What can I do to help her get prepared? (8:09)
Kit List
Ways to reassure your daughter (15:18)
A word about tampons
What if my child doesn’t identify as female?
Session Two: Live Call (53:04)
Session Three: First periods and Beyond
Encouraging cycle awareness
Celebration time! Your daughter's first period has arrived - what now? (12:33)
Time for reflection
The journey of menarche
Final reflections
Session Three: Live Call (47:26)
Session Four: Get more support
Setting limits with pre-teens (7:24)
Will you get this right? And be good enough? (5:18)
Understanding the adolescent brain
Equipping our girls for the onslaught of the media (6:35)
Books (14:14)
Magazines & Websites
Videos & Clips
About a Celebration day for girls
Thank You!
Will you get this right? And be good enough?
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